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How Could Competition Authorities Reward Competition Compliance Programmes?

András Tóth

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/core/2017/1/4

Should competition authorities reward compliance? How could competition authorities reward compliance? This article aims to examine these questions by analysing the approaches taken by the European Union and national competition authorities, and the positive and negative effects that may result if competition authorities reward competition compliance programmes. Finally, the paper argues that the current neutral position taken by the national competition authorities in relation to compliance programmes should no longer be maintained, and proposes a number of methods that the competition authorities could employ to reward competition compliance programmes.

András Tóth PhD, Chairman of the Competition Council and Vice-president of the Hungarian Competition Authority, associate professor at Károli University, Budapest, Hungary. The author would like to thank Stella Simon for her helpful contribution. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Hungarian Competition Authority. For correspondence: <mailto:toth.andras@kre.hu>. DOI: 10.21552/core/2017/1/4


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