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Virtual Competition:

Human Liability Vis-À-Vis Artificial Intelligence’s Anticompetitive Behaviours

Niccolò Colombo


The progressive demise of bricks-and-mortar and the rise of the online merchant are not to be ostracized per se, as the virtual nature of potential anticompetitive behaviours will not change the substance of the antitrust enforcement. The fil rouge of the present contribution is to be found in the pivotal role of human liability as the logical premise for whatsoever theory of harm. All those challenges coming from the interaction between Big Data and Artificial Intelligence are thus to be welcomed as the future of competition law goes hand in hand with the technological progress of innovative markets.

Niccolò Colombo, LLM Candidate at IEE-ULB and Foreign Legal Advisor at Jones Day Brussels. The views expressed in this article do not reflect the position of Jones Day on the matter. For correspondence: <> or <>.


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