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Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Regulated Industries:

Can Railway Undertakings Recover Excessive Railway Infrastructure Charges Under Article 102 TFEU?

Heike Schweitzer


Keywords: private enforcement, regulated industries, railways, infrastructure, Article 102 TFEU

In DB Station & Service AG, the CJEU will have to decide on the relationship between EU regulatory law – namely Directive 2001/14 – that strives to concentrate decisions on the lawfulness of infrastructure access charges with the regulatory authority, and private damage claims based on a concurrent violation of Article 102 TFEU. The referring court – the KG Berlin – proposes that national civil courts may only award competition law damages once the regulatory authority has established the illegality of the charges under regulatory law. This article argues that the KG Berlin thereby misconceives the hierarchy of norms under EU law and fails to recognise the rights conferred upon individuals by the EU competition rules.
Keywords: private enforcement, regulated industries, railways, infrastructure, Article 102 TFEU

Prof Dr Heike Schweitzer, LLM (Yale) holds a chair for civil law, German and European commercial and competition law and economics at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. For correspondence: <>. In a related proceeding, she has submitted a legal expertise supporting the position of the Land Sachsen-Anhalt that has sued for private competition law-based damages based on excessive track access charges – see Heike Schweitzer, ‘Das Verhältnis von Eisenbahnregulierungsrecht und Kartellrecht bei der rechtlichen Beurteilung von Eisenbahninfrastrukturnutzungsentgelten’ (2020) <> accessed 1 February 2022.


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