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European Competition and Regulatory Law Review


European Competition and Regulatory Law Review - CoRe

The European Competition and Regulatory Law Review (CoRe) reports on key legislative developments in the EU and its Member States, and analyses important judgments that shape the field of EU competition and regulatory law, in particular those by the European Courts, international courts and tribunals, and higher national courts.

Topics covered by the journal include:

•    Major ongoing antitrust matters and procedural trends;
•    EU and national antitrust enforcement in network industries;
•    Consultation of procedural and jurisdictional aspects of EU merger control;
•    Tax ruling investigations;
•    Digital Single Market Strategy and competitions rules;
•    Directive 2017/104/EU on antitrust damages actions.

All contributions will be subject to double blind peer-review before acceptance for publication and are required to conform to the author guidelines available at:

CoRe's Target Audience

The quarterly addresses everyone who is concerned with competition and regulatory law issues such as academics (in the field of law, political science, social sciences, economics and other relevant research fields), legal practitioners in national and international law firms, government officials working in EU public administration, judges and legal experts in domestic, European and international courts, consultancies, and business people in the EU and beyond.

CoRe's Structure

Each issue of CoRe will be a balanced mixture of original research articles, first-hand country or thematic policy reports, timely case annotations on important ECJ/GC rulings and other international/national court judgments, book reviews as well as other information material and updates, including opinions, case summaries or event reports.


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