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The Implications of the Generics UK ‘Pay-for-Delay’ Ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union (C-307/18 Generics UK Ltd and Others)

Francesco Rizzuto, Monika Ewa Lynch

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/core/2020/2/15

Case C-307/18 Generics UK Ltd and Others v Competition and Market Authority, Judgment of 30 January 2020

Professor Francesco Rizzuto is Professor European Law and Head of Department of Law and Criminology at Edge Hill University, United Kingdom. Monika Lynch is a Graduate Teaching Assistant at Edge Hill University, Department of Law and Criminology and completing a Doctorate on the role of law in polity system change in Europe. For correspondence: <mailto:rizzutof@edgehill.ac.uk>.


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