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Regulating Connectivity of Multimodal Digital Mobility Services journal article

Christian Koenig, Carlos Deniz Cesarano

European Competition and Regulatory Law Review, Volume 7 (2023), Issue 2, Page 99 - 111

Multimodal Digital Mobility Services (MDMS) increase the attractiveness of the public mobility sector and thereby contribute to sustainable, demand-oriented and climate-friendly passenger transport. However, MDMS are currently deployed in a fragmented manner, lacking a proper legal and market framework to develop more successfully and to provide a full range of offers across the EU. The mobility sector is characterised by market power asymmetries and vertical integration, which are obstacles to the deployment of MDMS. These obstacles must be overcome by a clear European legal framework providing adequate regulatory instruments in order to create a level playing field that enables effective competition in the distribution markets. When shaping this legal framework within the MDMS-Initiative of the European Commission, existing legislation from other regulated sectors can be considered as legislative references. Keywords: multimodal digital mobility services; distribution markets; data access; unbundling; distribution commission

Regulating Digital Gatekeepers – the Digital Markets Act journal article

Fatma Ceren Morbel

European Competition and Regulatory Law Review, Volume 7 (2023), Issue 4, Page 206 - 215

As digitalisation has increased and data has become more powerful, more comprehensive digital regulation has become necessary, including by national competition authorities and the European Commission. The Digital Markets Act (the DMA) is a good example of this area of regulation.1 In November 2022, the DMA came into force, introducing new regulations for core platform services which functioned as ‘gatekeepers’ in the digital market. By enacting the DMA, these platforms are prevented from treating businesses and consumers unfairly. The purpose of this paper is to provide a general overview of the DMA and its relationship to antitrust enforcement. Keywords: digital markets; digital economy; Digital Markets Act; competition law; antitrust